tirsdag den 16. december 2008

The interrogation

Some more flow writing, out of the blue. Enjoy

"Get down on your knees and stay down" the Soldier shouted harshly.
"The first one of you who moves will be shot to make an example" another one said in a low, threatening voice.
Five persons were sitting blindfolded in a market place. In the background the Minaret Towers called people to the mosque for the morning prayers.
One of the soldiers, a fierce looking guy with an AK47 went to one of the prisoners and violently removed the blind fold.
"Where are you heading? What is your purpose here?" he shouted.
"We, we were just visiting the Mosque" he stammered
"Just pretend you don't know what I am talking about" shouted the soldier.
"But honestly, I don't, we just wanted to show respect" he stammered.
"Show respect, you could have showed proper respect by not coming here in the first place" another one of the soldiers said harshly.
"But but, we are Afghans as well, Muslims like you" another one of the five prisoners said.
The soldier that led the interrogation went directly for the man who spoke and kicked him straight in the face.
A crack and a scream were heard. He had broken the nose of the man
"That was for speaking when not addressed"
It was midsummer, the morning dew made the meadow a little wet. The first rays of the sun caressed the soldiers and the blindfolded men on the meadow. It had been a tough night. But it was soon to be ended.
One of the soldiers, a thin muscular guy, seemed to have lost his patience. He was breathing heavily and looked like he hadn't slept much.
Impatiently he gave sign to the soldier who did the interrogation. He withdrew and went quiet.
The thin soldier went for the guy with the broken nose, who had just regained his balance. He kicked him to the ground again. Standing over him as he spoke
"Listen carefully, if we don't get the information right now, lots of people will die, it is critical that you cooperate" he said, pointing the AK47 to the man’s head.

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