onsdag den 17. december 2008

A silent whisper of statement, or whatever

Sometimes I wish that I had something profound to share with the world, something that would make people stand up in awe and say “hey, this guy really has a point, let make him famous”. Then something hits me, what is fame and do I really wish that. A good heart is a humble one. It is in our humility towards others that we shine ourselves. When we ponder upon this sentence: “you success is 100% dependant upon other people” then we start to get thankful towards others, because our creditability our success is a fragile thing. For me success is determined by ones ability to give everything up, to struggle for ones dream, to not let anyone but you decide your fate, to stop listening to other people’s criticism or to be flattered by their praise. Listen to your heart and go do the things that really matters to you, let not the unseen chains of society bind you to your chair, get up and start to do what you dream about. There are too many sleepwalkers in this world, to many people who are not even present with their spouse. Too many people not living out their dreams. This is not going to be an article about goal setting; it is just my thoughts for today. As I sit by my computer thinking about how to get my own project running as smoothly as I want to. It is a way of making my thoughts flow more smoothly so I can continue writing on my book or manual or whatever it turns out to be. Being alive, I mean really alive, to feel the longing inside your chest, really feel what is going on around me that is the most important thing in my life. That which binds me to the present moment, that which guides me out of the darkness and into the light. That which keeps me on the right track. I don’t know what to call this, life force or my will to live. Some call it God, and I smile to myself. Because for me religion is our inability to look inwards that we project outwards in our attempt to reach ourselves by taking a detour. What is here right now, in this moment is really only what IS.
I finish my Smoothie and start reflecting. I hope life will show me what to do today. I am tired of half lived lives, and yes the list could probably go on, but what I realized now is that if I start telling you what I am tired of, I am exactly like everyone else. They are trying to make the world fit their view, trying to fit the square fit into the triangular hole at the shrink, this isn’t going to happen.
So let go of your preconceived ideas about reality, and start to live, start to rejoice, spend more time with your children, your girl/boy friend, start to find out how to reach your goals, just start to live.
This is not a request, but merely an option screamed out so you might hear it through the fog of thoughts and ideas that roam around in the realm of the mind, clouding our vision.

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